Everything you need to know about your electricity supply.
+ Electricity tariffs
What is an electricity tariff?
An electricity tariff is the rate that you pay to your energy provider for electricity. This rate is how your charges are calculated. It includes a standing charge (normally a flat daily rate), and a charge for the electricity you actually use, calculated by the price for a unit (kWh) of electricity. There are different types of tariffs, which affect how much you pay for your electricity.
Types of electricity tariff
Standard variable This is an electricity supplier’s default tariff, based on the wholesale price of electricity.
Fixed A fixed-rate tariff means you’re paying a set price for each unit of electricity, set for the length of your contract.
Green A green tariff means that some or all of your electricity is 'matched' by renewable energy, such as from wind farms. This means you’re reducing your carbon impact.
EV tariffs Some tariffs are designed specifically for EV owners, to enable cheaper charging at home, and many have off-peak rates for overnight charging. A good choice for smart charging.
Multiple-rate tariffs This means you pay a different rate depending on the time of day, with cheaper off-peak rates often at night and sometimes at weekends. Another good choice for smart charging.
What's the best tariff for smart charging?
If you want to make the most of the smart charging features of your Indra charger (and save money and carbon on your charging), we recommend using an EV tariff, or a multiple-rate tariff. Both of these tariffs offer you cheaper electricity at off-peak times, which is better for you and the planet.
You can schedule charging to start during cheaper off-peak periods (normally overnight) when there’s less demand on the national grid and higher levels of renewable energy available.
We recommend you use smart charging features even if you’re on a single-rate tariff. Charging overnight reduces your use of energy at peak times, which is better for the national grid and saves carbon, even if it doesn’t save you money.
How to find the best electricity deal
The energy market can be quite volatile. We recommend researching available tariff options and that you consider choosing a tariff that’s designed for EV owners, or has multiple rates for electricity (including a cheaper off peak period).
You’ll need your current electricity bill to hand, so you can check what rates you’re currently paying.
Remember, you can also ask your existing supplier if they will match an offer if you find one that’s better elsewhere.
Changing electricity supplier or tariff
As long as you’re not under contract with your current tariff, switching to a better tariff should be straightforward, even if you’re changing supplier.
After you’ve switched, don’t forget to update your billing details in your Indra App, so we can give you the most accurate information about your charging and spending.
Info we'll need about your electricity supplier
Telling us about your electricity supplier and your tariff means we can help you charge at the most efficient times for you. By providing your electricity rate, we can not only calculate and show you how much you’re spending, but you can also set the amount of money you want to spend on a charging session (e.g. adding £5-worth of charge to your car). We will ask you for details on:
- Who your supplier is
- Name of your tariff
- What kind of tariff you have
- What the unit (kWh) price is for your electricity
- Tariff end date (if you have one)
All this information can be found on your bill. |
+ Intelligent Octopus Go
You can use your Indra EV Charger with the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff. For info on how to set up and use your charger with the tariff, see our Intelligent Octopus Go help articles.
What to do next