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Intelligent Octopus Go

Everything you need to know about setting up and using your Indra EV charger with the Intelligent Octopus Go electricity tariff.

+ How to set up Intelligent Octopus Go

To access this tariff, you must have:

  • An Indra charger
  • An account in the Indra app that is linked with the charger
  • An Octopus Energy account
  • The Octopus Energy app
  • The Indra charger online (i.e. connected to the internet) (See our troubleshooting guide if you are not able to get your charger online)

In linking your Indra charger with the Intelligent Octopus account, you will allow Octopus to set your charging schedules on your behalf, using options you will set in the Octopus app.

Before you start, make sure that you have access to

  • Indra App
  • Octopus Energy App
  • Log in details for the Indra App
  • Log in details for the Octopus Energy App

To get started linking Intelligent Octopus Go with your Indra charger, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open the Octopus Energy App

Inside the app, select 'Devices' tab in the bottom menu, then, tap 'Add Device' to begin.

Step 2: Select the device you'd like to integrate with

When prompted, select 'Electric vehicle'.

You will be advised about any setup you need to do, for example, making sure that you are at home with the vehicle plugged into your Indra charger.


Step 3: Select your vehicle

You will be prompted to select the make and model of your vehicle; this helps Octopus to know how much energy your charging will need.

If you have more than one EV, select the one you use most.

Phone screenshot showing Step 3 of the setting up Intelligent Octopus Go to work with an Indra Charger

Step 4: Choose how to connect (if offered a choice)

If the eligibility check in the Octopus App confirms that both your car and charger qualify for integration, please select "Connect via my charger” to ensure the correct setup process and the optimal integration experience.

You can skip this step if the Octopus app shows that only your Indra charger can connect.

Step 5: Select your Indra charger

Once you’ve selected your vehicle, you’ll be prompted to select your charger manufacturer.

Select 'Indra' and pick your charger model from the options provided. If you’re unsure of which model you have, you can check this via your Indra App on the Settings > Charger page.

Egg-branded Smart Pro chargers are also able to be linked in this way.

Indra Pioneer chargers must be controlled by the Indra App to be able to link to Intelligent Octopus Go.

Phone screenshot showing 'select charger 'screen within Octopus Energy app


Step 6: Connect your charger

At this point, a connection will be made between Octopus and Indra’s systems.

a)  on the Terms and Conditions page, click the 'Agree and connect' button. You also have the option of reading the terms and conditions prior to clicking.

b) The Indra App login screen will now open. Please enter the e-mail address associated with your Indra account, even if this is different from your Octopus one.

Click 'Continue'

c) You will now be asked to verify your identity by entering a 6-digit, one-time verification code. Open your email program. This code will have been sent to your e-mail from Indra to confirm you are the Indra account holder.

d ) Enter the verification code and click 'Continue'. You will now see a 'Link Your Charger' screen. You can view the 'Terms of Service' which outlines how Octopus and Indra will share data and how your charger will be controlled.

Click 'Continue.'


Final step

Once linked, assuming the car is plugged in without any active charging,  Octopus will complete a small test charge and then you’re all set!

You will be able to set an amount of charge to add, and a ready-by-time within your Octopus Energy app.

Your Indra schedules will no longer apply but you will still be able to use solar integration, charger locking and any fleet expense integrations from Indra at the same time as your Intelligent integration is live.

For more information on how to make the most of Intelligent Go with Indra now that you’re integrated, please view our How-to Charge with Intelligent Octopus Go guide.

+ How to charge using Intelligent Octopus Go

This guide is about how to use Intelligent Octopus Go to charge your car, which is enabled through linking you Indra and Octopus accounts.

Setting schedules

Once set up, Intelligent Octopus Go automatically plans your EV charging to get the most of the cheap charging slots available as part of this tariff.

All you need to do is head over to the Octopus Energy App to set your ready-by time and how much charge you would like to add.

Any existing schedules in the Indra App will have been removed and the 'Schedules' page in the App will show ' No schedule.' This is normal as your schedules are now dynamically set by Octopus.

Note: You do not need to set a schedule in the Indra App. If you try to set a schedule it will fail when you try to apply it.  

Setting your charging preferences

Use the Octopus App to say when you need the car charged and how much charge you want to be added.

  • Ready by time: This is the time you would like to have your vehicle charged by after you plug in.
  • Charge to add: This is the how much (%) additional charge you want to add. Note: This is not the same as the % target charge you want to reach by the end of the charging session.

Cost reporting

Because of the way Intelligent Octopus Go works, it is no longer possible for Indra to show you per-charge or summary costs for your charging. As such, your Indra history views will continue to show energy and miles, but not cost.

You can view the cost of your charging sessions by referring to your Octopus Energy bill.



If you have solar panels, you will be able to use solar charging at the same time as Intelligent Octopus Go.

Locking your charger

Locking your charger remains available to you in the Indra App.

Boost /bump charging

Boost charging remains available to you from the Boost button on the front of your Indra charger. The can also boost via the Indra App, and is also now available to you from the Octopus Energy app via the 'bump charge' feature.

Please note that using a boost or bump charge will charge your car immediately at the highest power possible at the time. As this is not an Octopus optimised charge, it will not qualify for the low rate per kWh that Intelligent Octopus Go provides and will cost your standard rate per kWh in energy.

+ How to disconnect Intelligent Octopus Go

The Intelligent Octopus Go tariff works with your Indra charger by your Indra and Octopus accounts being linked. This gives Octopus the ability to then optimise your charging, based on the preferences in your Octopus App.

If you no longer wish to have Intelligent Octopus Go, you can unlink the accounts which will return charging control to your Indra app, allowing you to set charge schedules that your charger will then follow.

Please note, that by unlinking your Octopus and Indra accounts, the amount you pay for the energy delivered to your vehicle will change. Please check the details about how your tariff will be affected by this change before continuing.

Step 1: There are two ways that you can disconnect your charger from Intelligent Octopus Go:

Option A:

  • Open Octopus App - Click on Devices (bottom middle of screen)
  • Select Device (Indra Smart PRO)
  • Top left corner (Click Settings Tab) - Scroll Down to bottom (Disconnect Charger)

Option B:

  • Open Octopus App - Top Left Corner (Accounts and Settings tab)
  • Click Devices - Click Intelligent Octopus Go
  • Scroll down to disconnect device


Step 2: Once complete, return to your Indra App and you will be able to set a schedule of your choice.

If you have changed energy supplier and tariff, don’t forget to update this in your Indra App to get the latest cost information for each charge.

If you decide to return to Intelligent Octopus Go in the future, you can re-link your accounts; by following the ‘How Do I Set-up Intelligent Octopus Go’ guide above.

+ Frequently-asked-questions (FAQs)

Can I use Intelligent Octopus Go with my Indra V2H Charger?

Intelligent Octopus Go is not available for bi-directional EV charging. However, Octopus occasionally accepts new users onto their Power Pack tariff which can be supported via Indra’s V2X chargers via our Octopus/Kraken integration. Contact Octopus to find out more.

Can I use my Solar Energy with Octopus Intelligent Go?

When you enable ‘use solar’ in the Indra app, Indra will add solar charging around any optimised charging that Octopus sends. As such, you will be able to benefit from a very low rate for your charging plus being able to use your own solar when it’s available.


Is Octopus Go the same as Intelligent Octopus Go?

No, smart tariffs (such as Intelligent Octopus Go and OVO Charge Anytime) recognise when an EV is charging and offer a specific low rate to the EV. When you use Intelligent Octopus Go the rate applies whenever your car is being charged, regardless of the time of day.

Other devices (eg: electric cooker and lighting) will use the tariff's cheap rate at night and the more expensive rate during the day

Which App do I use once using Intelligent Octopus Go?

When using Intelligent Octopus Go you will set a "Ready by time" and the amount of charge you wish to add into the Octopus App and Octopus will decide on how it schedules your charge. Scheduling functions in the Indra App will be disabled. However, you can still use your Indra App for other functions such as "Lock charger" which prevents unauthorised users from using your charger.

How can I check that I'm on Intelligent Octopus Go?

You can check this is the case by looking at the Devices section of the Octopus App

  • Open the Octopus App
  • Select "Devices" (at the bottom of the screen)
    The details of your Indra device should be recorded on the next screen

Alternatively you can check your tariff on your Indra App.

  • Open the Indra App
  • Select "Settings" (at the bottom right of the main screen)
  • Select "Electricity Supply"
  • The Octopus logo, followed by the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff details, should be shown.

If Intelligent Octopus Go is not showing it is possible that your charger has not been set-up correctly to use this tariff.

View our instructions on how to set up your charger with Intelligent Octopus Go.

Is the Scottish Power EV Saver tariff the same as Intelligent Octopus Go?

No, the tariff is an EV tariff, but not a Smart EV tariff such as Intelligent Octopus Go. Smart tariffs (such as Intelligent Octopus Go and OVO Charge Anytime) recognise when an EV is charging and offer a specific low rate to the EV. When you use a Smart EV tariff such as Intelligent Octopus Go or OVO Charge Anytime the low rate applies whenever your car is being charged, regardless of the time of day.

Other devices (eg: electric cooker and lighting) will use the tariff's cheap rate at night and the more expensive rate during the day.

+ Troubleshooting

'Unable to control your device' notifications

In the Octopus Energy App, if you set your Octopus Charging Preference 'Charge to add' % to more than the battery has room for, it can trigger notifications from Octopus that it is unable to control your device. If this happens frequently, consider selecting a lower percentage to add or check that the vehicle details you’ve provided to Octopus are correct.

I'm unable to do a test charge

Before you plug your vehicle into the charger, please check that your charger is displaying the normal white light on the front panel (including Indra logo). If this is not the case, please contact Indra Customer Support. You may also wish to check that your vehicle settings are not preventing a charge (potentially when the battery is full).

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